I am called SisDr because the “Sister” part is very important. I belong to a family of peoples, Afrikan heritage, who have a unique earth experience. I don’t wish to be disconnected from that. When I am called “Sister” first, it reminds me of my connection to my family. The “Doctor” speaks to a couple of things. It speaks to the healing nature of what I do. It also speaks to the qualifications that I hold.

Afrikan-Centred Approach

My research and work have predominantly been Afrikan-centred. So, I’m an Afrikan-centred scholar. I’m an Afrikan-centred Doctor. I’m an Afrikan-centred healer. I see the world through an Afrikan-centred lens. I proclaim that without apology. I’m an Afrikan woman. I want to be in service. I want to be on purpose.

Empathy and Awareness

I see things a certain way and respond to them without apologising. Something could happen to someone, and it stimulates me through empathy, creativity, or concern. I could be stimulated in any particular way, depending on the context within which I am situated and my thoughts. Many things could stimulate me. I am very aware of my surroundings and the energies around me.

Supporting Self-Discovery

That being said, one of the things that I support is people getting in touch with themselves. I have not been with people on their life journeys. I may have the privilege of working with an individual, but I haven’t been everywhere with them on their life journey. They have been everywhere with themselves on that life journey. They hold the information in terms of what has happened to them. Therefore, part of what I do as a professional life coach is to help them get in touch with that.

Guided by the Ancients

The instruction left by the Ancients is “Know Thyself,” and I work in that area to assist people in knowing themselves. This ancient wisdom guides my approach, ensuring that every individual I work with embarks on a journey of self-discovery and healing.


SisDr Coaching is deeply rooted in Afrikan heritage, empathy, and the profound journey of self-discovery. As a professional life coach, I aim to help individuals connect with their true selves and embrace their unique experiences.


Life and Leadership Coach Specialising in Cultural Sensitivity

Coach | Counsellor | Author | Speaker | Activist

For further information and support on your journey of self-discovery and finding the right professional life coach, connect with me here.